In French, First Look means Premier Regard. This special moment when the bride and groom discover each other for the very first time in their wedding clothe. It is a private and key moment of your wedding which may be immortalized by your wedding photographer if you wish.

First Look, why is this discovery moment so important in a wedding?
Traditionally, the bride and groom discover each other just before the ceremony, when the bride appears down the aisle. Nevertheless, many couples prefer to have their First Look before the ceremony. Just the two of them before it all begins, it is the perfect occasion to get photographed by your wedding photographer. While the bride and groom get prepared separately, the tension is rising. The First Look photo shoot happens in the morning, before the big rush of the day. It is a frame of calm and serenity for the couple. To discover each other privately before the wedding ceremony is a nice reminder that this day is yours, both of you. Your wedding is not a show, it is a memorable and unique moment of your life. Moreover, it is one of the few intimate moment you will have together on this big day.
Set-up ideas and places recommendations for a First Look photo session
The idea of a First Look photo session has made its way in your mind. And now is the time to decide where and how you want to discover each other in your wedding dress and suit. It may be a meaningful place for both of you such as the place where he proposed or where you first met. Or maybe simply a nice place you both like. Now how to do it ? Here is a few set-up ideas for a photo session. You can be placed back-to-back and turn around at the same moment in order to discover each other at the same time. Another option is to have Mister placed looking back, Misses walks towards him from behind and puts her hand on his shoulder so he turns back to see her. The groom may also offer the bouquet to his bride. Your photo shoot can also be done with the bride on one side of a closed door and the groom on the other. If you have a pet and would like to have some pictures of him with you on this special day, the First Look is the perfect moment to invite him to join you.
What are the good reasons to have a First Look photo shoot?
You might be thinking a First look is an umpteenth thing to organize for your wedding and a potential source of stress? In fact it is just the opposite. The First Look has many advantages. Especially it removes the emotional pressure to exchange your very first look in front of all your guests. The First Look photo shoot takes place early in the day, when you are dressed and ready. It can easily be followed by your couple photo shoot with your wedding photographer. This way you won’t have to vanish after the ceremony, but you will be able to enjoy the cocktail with your guests. Furthermore, this time of complicity is a parenthesis of perfection. When you finished getting prepared, you are ready to discover each other, everything is perfect. On top of being an additional key moment of your union, the First Look will offer you a very pleasant intimate time in the middle of this bid day.
A First Look photo session with a professional wedding photographer
Your professional wedding photographer is here to guide you during your First Look photo session. He should meet your standards and answer your needs. Do not hesitate to tell him about your ideas and let him know what you have in mind. For any question on wedding photography I remain available and it is always a pleasure to inform you. Do not hesitate to contact me or take a look at my latest photo shoot. Professional French wedding photographer based near Bordeaux, I travel all around France and abroad to document your special events.